The World of Education

A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart!

Table of Contents

5 Competencies Rubric

Artifacts and Reflections

  1. Competency #6 Teacher should be able to identify strengths and weaknesses related to their professional role with students with exceptionalities. Artifact: Resume of Professional Experience and Reflection
  2. Competency #25 Teacher will be able to comment critically on a current issue facing teachers in regards to inclusive education, Artifact: Critical Commentary on current/controversial Issues and Reflection
  3. Competency #27 Teacher will be able to defend why segregated classrooms are not the best learning environment for students with exceptionalities; Artifact: Guardian Interview and Reflection
  4. Competency #32 Teacher will be able to design and implement an activity for students with exceptional learning needs; Artifact: Video of Sensory Break and Reflection
  5. Competency #40 teacher will be able to include evidence of Indigenizing lesson plans; Artifact: Indigenization and inclusive education: what does this mean exactly? What are the current challenges/successes? Reflection


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